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Roll Around Seatown needs your support.

The goal of Roll Around Seatown is to have an outdoor skate pavilion built in the greater Seattle area that is dedicated to Roller Skating. We need a large space big enough to accommodate 200+ skaters that is covered, with a smooth surface conducive to roller skating, powered with light, and a restroom we can utilize.  


We currently skate on the Judkins Sports Courts (court B). We share this space with many other sports. We appreciate having this space as it's our only option, however, it doesn’t fully meet our needs. We can’t use the space year-round because it's not covered, it rains often here in the PNW. There’s no power, lights, restrooms, or place where we can sit to put our skates on.


There’s a huge demand for Seattle to have an outdoor roller skating pavilion. This sport appeals to all ages ranging from 3 – 70+ years of age. It encompasses all ethnicities and diverse backgrounds. Roller skating allows people to come together in a fun, healthy and safe environment. Our indoor rinks are becoming a thing of the past. We lost several rinks during the pandemic and over the past 10 years in WA State. These facilities are closing and are sold to other businesses. It's pivotal that we build an outdoor dedicated space to keep this sport alive and pass it forward for generations to come.


We need your help to advocate for the City of Seattle to invest in our community that serves so many.



Please take the time to contact your council representative and let them know how important this skate space would be to our community and our local skaters.

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Tiffany Mason | Founder & Community Leader | (206) 200-1370


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